György Varga
Photo:EUROPRESS/Guillermo Arias/AFP
Since 2014 (the Russian annexation of Crimea), the 430 million inhabitants of the European Union have been swallowing the pills of various consecutively imposed sanctions packages. After many years of pill-popping, we have reached the current level of the NATO-Ukraine »success story«: a shattered Ukraine, a politically paralysed and economically bankrupt European Union.
We have now been taught that we have principles that we would never give up. So, we will not buy cheap Russian oil and gas, we will not accept rich Russian tourists. We have given up all dimensions of transport in Eurasia, we have closed down all the car factories of European brands in Russia (we have handed the market over to China). We have expelled Russian culture, sport, science and we have given up a market of many-many billions of euros. We have seized all Russian assets, even if this has made Europe an unreliable investment location for decades. While never successful before (think on Cuba, Iran, North Korea), now it was considered the only way (or not) to stop an aggressor.
„Because we Europeans look at everything through value-based principles, we have given up almost the entire market for European goods in the post-Soviet space. Yes, in other Soviet successor states too and slowly in China and India as well, because they are collaborating with Moscow. The dollar and Euro remittance systems, in good hands, will ensure that we are not able to conduct normal foreign trade even if other conditions – goods, services, solvent demand and signed agreements – are in place”
This is a suicidal economic policy led by our beloved leaders in Brussels. On sanctions the EU citizens are divided: some say they are a good thing and that the blow to Russia must be stepped up, even if we do not survive. There is a narrow minority who believe that this policy is not in the interests of Ukraine, not in the interests of the European Union, but in the interests of other global players. I share this latter view.
It is in the interests of actors who want to weaken both Europe and Russia: this could not have created a more ideal situation for them, and morally, this process can now be sharpened, because who does not want to sacrifice their children’s future for a Ukraine where enforcers of a coup d’état are telling them where the future lies. (And they said in 2014 that the future lies in the direction of NATO, because that is what they were told by the Western politicians who encouraged and helped them in their unconstitutional takeover of the state.) Any EU citizen who shows even a slight hesitation in this common Euro-Atlantic struggle – no matter how much this holy struggle may cost them – does not understand the importance of a value-based foreign policy, and is therefore not European in his or her values.
„The enlightenment came to the sectarian Atlanticist politicians and security policy experts at the end of December 2024. In the space of a few hours, incoming U.S. President Donald Trump, with the modesty of a great power leader, announced the U.S. claim to control Greenland, Canada and the Panama Canal”
He will clarify with the parties concerned how he will take control – annexation, acquisition, expropriation, occupation, voluntary accession, alliance offer, cession, inheritance, gift, normal U.S. military intervention, or some other more morally defined form such as preventive conservation rescue action in the Arctic Circle – when the time comes. Legal and communications experts are already working on the issue. The scientific workshops of the collective West, the ever-value-based European Parliament, the European Commission, the guardian of the treaties, have reacted very quickly: they are in threatening silence.
The NATO Secretary General has almost issued a statement condemning the aggression against Danish territory, but thousands of his colleagues have explained to him that it is not the Russians who want to occupy 1 cm² of territory in their immediate neighbourhood, but the leading NATO power that has announced its claim to 2 million km² of territory of an allied European NATO member state.
The Secretary General has presumably started his outpatient treatment and will then attend communication training sessions in 31 non-aggressor NATO countries before he can present a position that can be communicated in a value-based way. And the public is eager to see which point in the Washington Treaty will be cited to justify the American annexation of Danish territory.
„In the last 2-3 weeks since Trump’s announcement, it has been a particular professional pleasure to sit back and watch the agony of many sectarian Atlanticist pundits who profess a »value-based approach« to absolutizing the war in Ukraine. Gradually, however, they are picking up the thread, and are more and more courageously expressing positions that were previously absolutely unimaginable”
According to their opinion, it makes perfect sense, that the United States, with Greenland at its disposal, would be better placed (in our interests) to create a defence infrastructure that would be effective against Russia. The emergence of a U.S. claim is therefore self-evident. Anyone who does not understand, this is missing the point of security policy. How could it have happened that the question did not arise sooner?
It is true that the same experts did not even consider such factors when Russia made similar arguments for Crimea, which is historically, ethnically or linguistically alien to Russia. There, the principles of military science, international relations and security policy are not to be applied; it is a holy war with the Evil. In other words, what applies to Crimea does not apply to Greenland, and what applies to Cuba does not apply to Ukraine. Anyone who does not understand why universal security policy principles should be interpreted in this way is illiterate. Because you have to believe it, not understand it.
„Russia should not jump on the bandwagon in Cuba; it has no business there, neither in Crimea, where there are legitimate U.S. (and British) security interests. And Greenland is self-evidently of direct U.S. national security interest. Even, if the Danish King has a different opinion”
Of course, the King will find out for himself what his real position is when his e-mail messages not intended for his subjects are accidentally made public. He will then identify himself with our universal transatlantic interests and it will turn out that respect for American interests has always been a core value of the Danish Royal Family for centuries.
Thousands of experts at different levels of the EU have not yet reached a final draft text condemning the declared annexation of Greenland. It is expected to be a very tough message to the United States, and we can be sure that we will not shy away from divesting from expensive U.S. LNG, which we have just switched to instead of the former cheap Russian pipeline gas. This is why the European Commission agrees with Ukraine, which stopped the gas transit for the EU, that it is perfectly legitimate to stop the aggressor’s energy transit, because the purchase price of gas and oil feeds the aggressor’s war machine. In fact, such pipelines can be blown up, as Czech President Pavel has outlined the international legal content of the alleged Ukrainian terrorist attack on the Nord Stream.
„If we were able to take these small steps (the disadvantages of 15 sanction packages) for a Ukraine outside the EU and NATO and swallow the consequences of the EU’s global economic decline, it is clear that we have a dogmatic duty to do several times as much for Denmark, a member of the EU and NATO. We have here EU and NATO obligations, whereas we did not have them in case of Ukraine; there, neighbourly feelings have only given us a groundswell, but the U.S. can see what is coming next due to our commitments in the case of Denmark”
Now it is different, and we are showing the world what happens when the sovereignty of one of our allies is attacked. We are never afraid to repel aggression, we have principles and we do not feed the aggressor’s war economy. So we will probably not buy U.S. LNG either. There are still democratic oil and gas producing countries in the world, don’t be scared. (Or are there not, are we missing something?!)
„Since there is no doubt that Ursula von der Leyen has an unprecedented value-based management of our »Common Europe«, the U.S. may be preparing for very drastic action. The 15 packages of sanctions against Russia are expected to be equal to the first package against the USA”
We will be off the dollar system, we will not buy U.S. weapons, except from Denmark, but it will hand them over to Ukraine as it has done so far, because it does not need them (the Prime Minister overlooked this). CNN, FOX NEWS and other U.S. channels will be off the air. (Don’t let them explain through their media that they want to own Greenland for us and not against us, and the area is not 2 million km² anyway, only 1.999 million km²). We know the aggressors’ disinformation strategy…
The census of U.S. assets in Brussels has certainly already begun, and their confiscation will be a snap after the adoption of sanctions. If you see any American students or university professors, take a good look at them, because they will be going home soon. IPhone, Apple owners can start replacing their devices, because even the first package of sanctions will probably not allow us to use the aggressor’s products in our daily lives.
And anyone with a modicum of EU pride will forget about the U.S. movies spouting the ideological explanations of the aggressor to 430 million EU citizens 24 hours a day (the service providers will shut them down anyway under EU sanctions, as it happened to the Russian aggressors). U.S. athletes can stop preparing for the next Olympics and instead organise friendly sporting competitions with their Russian fellows.
„I have some minor doubts about the likelihood of the above happening, for one serious reason. This reason is none other than the moral degradation that was indicated in the introduction and that has become commonplace in the European Union. Why can we not expect a values-based foreign policy from the EU’s current elite in Brussels, despite their rhetoric about the war in Ukraine?”
We can’t, because as much as they have made the 27 countries of the EU a party to war in a public-spirited way, absolutizing the circumstances of this war, they will shut their mouths when a credible political, economic and military power shows them where they belong. And this is the realist school of security policy, and this is where the liberal conception ends, where we have mixed military science principles with moralistic mumbo-jumbo.
The moral degradation of the collective West was clearly demonstrated by the conflict in Ukraine from 2014 and the war in Ukraine from February 2022. Many people did not want to understand this and still do not want to understand it, accepting the absolutisation of this war. The supporters of the war in Ukraine are trying to make us accept the disadvantages of the 15 EU sanctions packages for the whole world as a moral obligation: we will not tolerate any aggression, our foreign policy is value-based, and there is no compromise. Then reality sets in and it turns out that this is not the case!
„The absolutisation of the war in Ukraine and the demand for U.S. control over Greenland (and in a certain way over Canada and the Panama Canal) has created an insurmountable task for the politicians in Brussels. Either they stand by their principles and organise again a coalition of nearly 50 countries, this time against American imperialism, and – as in Ukraine – defend Denmark’s sovereignty over the territory to the last Danish soldier, or they return to normality”
This can only mean adopting the realpolitik approach that they have completely ignored in their handling of the conflict in Ukraine. It will be a difficult task! It will be difficult because the mainstream Western narrative has, since 2014, and especially since February 2022, transferred Ukraine’s pre-war and post-war domestic and foreign policy processes into a moral dimension, pretending to be a »value-based approach«.
„It will be an impossible task for politicians, pundits and journalists who subscribe to this narrative to treat the »illegitimate« Russian security policy efforts in Ukraine and the »legitimate« US security policy efforts in Greenland, Panama and Canada along the same principles”
Let us remember the beginning of the war in Ukraine! The internet does not forget. True, nowadays, under the EU’s »value-based« practice of freedom of information and expression, I can no longer find my own articles if they are published in Russian. Presumably, as in the case of the practice against the Russian aggressor, articles by American authors will not be posted on the Internet and American English in general may even be banned.
„For those of you who use artificial intelligence, today’s EU practice is an official »value-based« falsification of history, because what is not put on the servers or is deleted will be lost to the future, and the artificial intelligence will not be able to take it into account when making a relevant point of view, neither today nor in a hundred years’ time. Thankfully, Elon Musk thinks in terms of freedom of information and Mark Zuckerberg is also becoming enlightened by the new U.S. political environment”
What was the cause of the war in Ukraine in the spring of 2022, according to experts? You remember the picture: it was the last stand of a terminally ill Russian president. Interestingly, I don’t see similar medical explanations today from the same colleagues for the restrained plans of Donald Trump, who is almost a decade older than Vladimir Putin: Canada is the 51st state, and we need Greenland and the Panama Canal as well. Is that understood? That’s it, no need to get carried away with moralising. You get the point.
„If the European politicians and experts who conduct foreign policy against all aggressors on principle were to take themselves seriously, they would stick to their principles and, of course, lead the European Union into another disaster. Can anyone imagine that, after having – like madmen – divested ourselves of everything Russian, we are now divesting ourselves of everything American?”
Fortunately, these politicians and experts will not stick to their principles and forget the »values-based« approach of recent years. They are nicely categorised as followers of the realist school of security policy, but only for this one occasion, because, according to their slowly forming value-based view, among friends it is not at all important whose flag is flying in Greenland. Plus, the new U.S. president is not sick; he is in glowing health, as his forward-looking initiatives prove, as dozens of his less skilled predecessors in security policy have not even thought of these logical steps to strengthen international security and stability.
„Indeed, it will turn out that Donald Trump has even left out areas in the European Union that, under U.S. control, would be much more effective in achieving our common goals – tackling the challenges posed to the EU by an aggressive Russia. EU experts have presumably already begun to draw up a list of these areas, which are already an unnecessary burden for us Europeans”
Ursula von der Leyen is expected to present the list of areas, which could be used much more effectively by the United States, to President Trump during her first visit to Washington. The Baltic States, which are in the vanguard against all aggressors, are considering two options to be decided later. 1) They will hand over all their military forces to Denmark for self-defence. 2.) They will proactively offer to become the 52nd state of the USA together, as their proximity makes their territory more useful against Russia than Greenland. In favour of the second option is that it is better to propose such a move today than to swallow it with gritted teeth in 4 years.
French President Macron, who has been hovering over the deployment of his troops in Ukraine, is faced with a dilemma: either redeploy these forces to help Denmark or reserve them for the defence of the French-speaking province of Quebec in Canada, if he gives a little himself after the great vehemence in Ukraine.
„Never mind that the EU elites have in recent years zombified 430 million Europeans in a European war not isolated but rather fuelled by them, and have destroyed the natural and decades-old economic, commercial, energy and human subsystems of Eurasia (EU + post-Soviet space) for decades. This has been the learning curve for an ideology-driven political guard, not for the interests and goals of the 27 EU Member States”
Just as these elite in Brussels found it acceptable for a non-EU country to cut off oil and gas imports from EU member states, and sided with the outside actor in the debate against all EU energy directives and rules in force, so these elite will be able also to deal with the problem of Denmark (and Canada, Panama). This elite has a great ability to deal with the same international events according to different principles and rules, depending on the international actor behind the move, which otherwise also challenges the sovereignty of states.
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Abdras Rimely says:
Mr Varga smoking some very good stuff.